Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Scientific Miracles of the Oceans and Animals. The amoeba is a tiny creature that lives in swamps and ponds or on rocks at the bottom of ... thumbnail 1 summary
Scientific Miracles of the Oceans and Animals.

The amoeba is a tiny creature that lives in swamps and ponds or on rocks at the bottom of the sea. It cannot be seen by the naked eye; it is visible only with the aid of a microscope. It is an invertebrate that changes shape according to circumstances and need. When it moves, it stretches out part of its body to form something like a foot, by means of which it moves to wherever it wants to go. This extension is called a pseudopodium (false foot).
When the amoeba finds food, it seizes it with one or two pseudopodia, excretes some digestive substances, and absorbs nutrients from it. The waste is then expelled from its body.
It breathes with its entire body, taking oxygen from the water. Imagine this creature which cannot be seen with the naked eye, living and moving, eating and breathing, expelling its waste! And when it is fully grown, it divides into two and each part forms a new creature.

[from “Scientific Miracles in the Oceans & Animals” by “Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad”, published by Darussalam, 2010]

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