Tuesday, June 5, 2012

No Risk, No Gain

The man who is afraid of taking risks can never hope for success. By doing his routine work in his particular sphere, all that he can hop... thumbnail 1 summary

The man who is afraid of taking risks can never hope for success. By doing his routine work in his particular sphere, all that he can hope to attain is a tolerable means of living. Wealth is not for a man like him, it is reserved for those few who are always actuated by a spirit of adventure and by an iron determination to fight down all obstacles that stand in the way of success. The world is not a bed of roses.
The man who is afraid of taking risks can never hope for success. By doing his routine work in his particular sphere, all that he can hope to attain is a tolerable means of living. Wealth is not for a man like him, it is reserved for those few who are always actuated by a spirit of adventure and by an iron determination to fight down all obstacles that stand in the way of success. The world is not a bed of roses.
In all departments of life, ewe must take risk, if we want to rise above the common level. Now what does ‘risk’ mean? It means that we must be prepared to sacrifice the prospect of pace, happiness and comfort which we might otherwise enjoy, in order to make an attempt to secure something better and higher. An easy-going man loves to spend his day in comfort and happiness. Further, he has not those worries and anxieties which are attendant upon roses and the uncertainties they involve. But the man who moves forward, regardless of present peace and comfort, a sure prospect of moderate happiness, may have to suffer heart-breaking disappointment and face terrible dangers and difficulties and perhaps put up with insult and ridicule. But it must e borne in mind that risk, though it often ends in failure, also brings success. And they only deserve admiration and respect who through repeated failures attain success at last.
     The spirit of taking risks sometimes, works miracles in the career of a merchant. With the keen observation of an expert, he finds out when a great opportunity has presented itself to him. This opportunity may not last long. He makes his determination then and there, and stakes his all to profit by it. At one venture, he becomes a wealthy man. This is taking a risk. And it requires strength of will and ability to bear patiently any loss that might occur. For it is not impossible that the spirit of adventure may result in failure and utter poverty.
When taking risks, we must consider that there is a dark side too. We might be enterprising, but certainly not reckless. When we are going to take any risk, we must carefully weigh the circumstances and if we find that success is more likely than failure, then we ought to proceed; otherwise not. Taking of risks should not degenerate into gambling. Where risks are taken without judging the circumstances, it is not better than gambling. We must, no doubt, make experiments, but we must also be cautious and discreet. We must not act recklessly and launch on new methods, without stopping to think of likely results. Sober judgment and moderation must be our guide.

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